Angel’s Trumpet
Conestoga House has several Angel’s Trumpets, so called because of their large pendulous flowers. These...
Bicolor Japanese Maple
This striking specimen has both green and maroon leaves. The most likely way this came...
Dec 14, 2021
Crepe Myrtle
This tree is a certified direct descendant of a Crepe Myrtle on the grounds of...
Cutleaf Japanese Maple
Relocated in 2008 because of a $110-million development project, this 25-foot tree is taller than...
Dogwood (Bicolor Dogwood)
Bicolor dogwoods can be created in different ways. Obviously a person can plant a nursery-bought...
Dwarf Golden Nordmann Fir
This bright gold variety of Nordmann Fir grows broader than high and tends to burn in...
Dec 14, 2021
Flowering Dogwood
Long one of the best arbor displays in the county, the median strip in spring...
Japanese Maple
126 W. Main Street, Terre Hill PA (front yard) Right-slanted. In bonsai terms, this tree...
Kwanzan Japanese Cherry
Front Street, Marietta PA Marietta Area Business Association, James Sagris According to the Marietta Area...
Paperbark Maple
Introduced to America around 1905, no tree’s bark is more stunning than the cinnamon, exfoliating,...
Dec 14, 2021
Princess Tree (The Three Princesses)
Three Princess trees, appearing to be of similar age, line the entrance to Perelman Park....
Dec 14, 2021
River Birch (Water Birch)
Bon View Estates Linear Park probably has the largest concentration of River Birch in Lancaster...
Skyrocket Rocky Mountain Juniper
This gorgeous plant, trimmed into a spiral topiary, is a cultivar that originated in the...
Dec 14, 2021
Trumpet Vine
This gorgeous ‘creation’ is a living tree sculpture: An aged Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans) enveloping the upper...
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Like some huge bird of prey with its wings outstretched, this tree highlights the landscaping...
Weeping Eastern Hemlock
This weeping specimen, and others like it, make for one of the most impressive accent...
Dec 14, 2021
Weeping Yoshino Cherry
This tree, next to a school playground along a busy city street, provides “an umbrella...