12a Wyeoakoffspring Jpg
Arbor Harbor, 80 Sun Lane, Millersville PA (southwest corner of backyard)

This is an offspring of the famous Wye Oak in Wye Mills MD. The 460-year-old Wye Oak was the largest white oak in the United States until a storm destroyed it in 2002. The trunk was almost 32 feet in circumference and the tree had a 120-foot spread and was 96 feet tall. One limb that fell in 1984 weighed 70,000 pounds. This was the tree that inspired creation of the Big Tree Champion Program in 1925. An offspring, germinated from acorn by the Maryland Department of Natural Resour- ces, was planted at 80 Sun Lane in 1998.

In 2020, the Arbor Harbor tree measured approximately 19 inches in CBH, 30 feet in height, and 16 feet in spread.  Its point total for size was thus about 53, which compares unfavorably with its parent who reached about 510 points before it died.

(Second photo from americanforests.org)


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