113a Raintree2
Conestoga House & Gardens, 1608 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster PA

This tree, native to Korea and China, has been nominated to Champion Trees of Pennsylvania (pabigtrees.com) and appears to be the largest Golden Rain Tree in the entire state.

In 2018 this tree’s trunk circumference was 10 feet 1 inch as measured at 18 inches up; its average spread was 58 feet; and its height was 55 feet.  (Normally this species does not exceed 40 feet tall.)

​Three Koereuterias are listed at pa bigtrees.com, and they have size totals of 176, 156, and 113 points respectively.  The Conestoga tree’s point total in 2018 came to 190.

This amazing species first reached America when Thomas Jefferson germinated seeds sent by a French associate in 1809.

[2nd photo by David Kantner]


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