144a Englishoak Jpg
Millersville University, 9 N. George Street, Millersville PA (behind the library, adjacent to the parking lot off Frederick Street)

With a trunk circumference of approximately 207 inches, this tree could be the champion or co-champion English Oak in the state of Pennsylvania (see pabigtrees.com for comparisons).  Q. robur is also called the Pedunculate Oak because of its stalked acorns (3rd photo).

According to British legend, Robin Hood used to hide in the hollow trunk of a particular English Oak that still stands in Sherwood Forest.  This tree (last photo) has a trunk circumference of 35 feet and is the most famous tree in Britain.

In England, this amazing species supports tremendous biodiversity by hosting 32 species of mammal, 68 species of bird, 34 species of butterfly, 31 species of fungi or lichen, and 271 species of insect (including the butterflies).


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